Friday, 23 March 2012

He wants to work some days of the week and spend the rest in worship

I know a Brother in Islaam, who left his haraam job, after realsing the haraam nature of it - Alhamdhu Lillah.
He is now looking for a job that is just sufficient to feed and clothe his family. He is keen to work only as many days to earn that income. The rest of the week he wants to spend in the mosque reading Qu'raan and praying etc..
Is his behaviour permissible? Does Islaam not say that the daytime is for seeking sustenance and the night for prayers.? Is it not better for him to seek a good job so that the extra money can be given as zakat to the poor? Doesn't his family have rights over him with regard to time.

Praise be to Allaah.

The Muslim who is able to earn a living must strive to earn that which will keep him and those under his guardianship, such as his wife and children, from having to beg, and to earn what he needs to spend on their maintenance. If he manages to do that, then if he spends the rest of his time, whether during the night or the day, in worshipping Allaah by praying, fasting, reading Qur’aan, that is better. There is no specific time for worship in general, but yes, praying qiyaam at night is better than praying during the day. This does not mean that there is no reward for praying naafil prayers during the day. He should start by doing that which is obligatory, whether the obligation is towards Allaah or towards His creation, then he can use the rest of his time for doing that which is mustahabb, and if he indulges in some permissible activities for the purpose of relaxation and recreation, that is OK.

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