Thursday, 2 February 2012

Going around to different mosques looking for a beautiful voice

What is the ruling on going around to different mosques looking for an imam with a beautiful voice, because that makes one more focused in prayer?.

Praise be to Allaah.
It seems – and Allaah knows best – that there is nothing wrong with that, if the purpose is to find something which will help one to focus properly in prayer and be at ease therein, because not every voice is pleasant, so if the aim in going to hear the voice of a particular imam is to encourage one to do good and focus more fully in prayer, there is nothing wrong with that. Rather his action will be appreciated and he will be rewarded for that. A person may focus well behind one imam and not behind another, because of the difference between the two recitations and the two prayers. So if the aim in going to a distant mosque is to listen to his recitation because of his beautiful voice, and to benefit from that and to focus properly in his prayer, and not just for fun, but to benefit and learn, and to focus properly in prayer, there is nothing wrong with that. It is proven in the saheeh hadeeth that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The people who will have the greatest reward for prayer will be those who walk the furthest distance to come and pray, then those who walk the next furthest.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (651) and Muslim (662). If his aim is also to increase the number of steps he takes, this is also a good purpose. End quote. 

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